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Robert Baron




SECT. I. DE Disciplinis in genere, & in specie De Metaphysica.

II. An Ens quatenus Ens habeat veras & proprie dictas proprietates, vera item principia per quae illae proprietates demonstrentur.

III. In quo consistat ratio Vnitatis transcendentalis, & quae sint ejus species.

IV. De Veritate in Essendo, seu de Veritate prout est Affectio Entis.

V. De Bonitate Transcendentali, quae est Affectio Entis.

VI. De divisionibus Entis late accepti, in Ens per se & Ens per accidens, Ens negativum & posi∣tivam, Reale & Rationis.

VII. De divisione Entis in Actum & Potentiam.

VIII. De Causa Efficiente.

IX. De Causa materiali tum substantiarum tum Accidentium.

X. De Causa formali Substantiali & Accidentali.

XI. De Causa finali & Exemplari.

XII. De Necessario & Contingenti.

XIII. De Eodem & Diverso.

XIV. De Absoluto & Respectivo.

XV. De Toto & Parte.


SECTION I: On Disciplines in General and Metaphysics in particular.

SECTION II: Whether Being, insofar as it is Being, has what may be truly and properly called properties, and likewise the true principles by which those properties are demonstrated. SECTION III: Wherein consists the nature (ratio) of Transcendental Unity, and what are its species.

SECTION IV: On Truth in Being, or on Truth as it is an Affection of Being.

SECTION V: On Transcendental Goodness, which is an Affection of Being.

SECTION VI: On the divisions of Being taken in a broad sense, into Being in itself (per se) and Being by accident, Negative and Positive Being, Real and of Reason.

SECTION VII: On the Division of Being into Act and Potency.

SECTION VIII: On the Efficient Cause.

SECTION IX: On the Material Cause, both of Substances and Accidents.

SECTION X: On the Substantial and Accidental Formal Cause.

SECTION XI: On the Final and Exemplary Cause.

SECTION XII: On Necessity and Contingenc

SECTION XIII: On the Same and the Different.

SECTION XIV: On the Absolute and the Relative.

SECTION XV: On the Whole and the Part.


Qui à Baronio passim adducuntur, expen∣duntur, refutantur.

​Academici. Petr. Alia∣censis. Alstedius. Anaxagoras. Aristoteles. Averroës. Augustinus. Avicembron. Avicenna. Basilius. Bellarminus. Biël. Boëtius. Bonaventura. Bucerus. Cajetanus. Calvinus. Capreolus. Ambr. Catharinus. Cicero. Conimbricenses. Damascenus. Durandus. Estius. Fonseca. Henr. Gandavus. Ioh. Gendavensis. Gnostici. Ioh. Grammati∣cus. Alex. Halensis. Herveus. Theol. sent. Iavellus. Iesuitae. Illyricus. Fr. Iunius.


Petr. Lombard. Mag. sent. Lutherus. Maccovius. Manichaei. Iac. Martinius. Melancthon. Origenes. S. Patres. Pererius. Peripatetici. Philo Iudaeus. Picolominaeus. Alb. Piggius. Plato. Polanus. Pontificii. Rabbini. Ramistae. Ruvius. Iul. Scaliger. Scotistae. Sententiarii. Soncinas. Suarez. Tertullianus. Theologi.



Thomas. Tilenus. Timplerus. Conr. Vorstius. Zabarella. Zwinglius.


Those authors who are frequently mentioned, examined, and refuted by Baron.

​Academicians. Pierre d'Ailly.

Johann Heinrich Alsted. Anaxagoras. Aristotle. Averroës. Augustine. Avicembron (Solomon ibn Gabirol). Avicenna (Ibn Sina). Basil the Great. Robert Bellarmine. Gabriel Biël. Boëtius. Bonaventure. Martin Bucer. Thomas (de Vio) Cajetan. John Calvin. Johannes Capreolus.

Ambrosius Catharinus.

Marcus Tullius Cicero.


John of Damascus.

Durandus of Saint-Pourçain.

Willem Hessels van Est.

Pedro da Fonseca.

Henry of Ghent.

Johannes de Janduno.

Gnostics. John Philoponus.

Alexander of Hales. Hervaeus Natalis. Giovanni Crisostomo Javelli. Jesuits.

Matthias Flacius Illyricus (Francovich).

Franciscus Junius. ​

Bartholomäus Keckermann.

​Peter Lombard. Martin Luther.

Johannes Maccovius (Jan Makovsky). Manicheans. Jacob Martini (Jacobus Martinius).

Phillip Melancthon.

Origen of Alexandria. Holy Fathers. Benedictus (Pereira) Pererius. Peripatetics. Philo (the Jew) of Alexandria. Franciscus Picolominaeus (Piccolomini). Albert Pighius. Plato. Amandus Polanus. Papists. Rabbis. Ramists. Antonius Rubius. Iullius Scaliger. Scotists. Sententiarii. Soncinas. Francisco Suarez. Tertullian.




Thomas Aquinas. Daniel Tilenus. Clemens Timpler.

Conrad Vorstius.

Giacomo (Jacopo) Zabarella. Ulrich Zwingli.


Table 1.

Table 2.1.

Table 2.2

Table 2.3.

Table 2.4.

Table 3.

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