Early Modern Authors
Professor of Theology, Heidelberg (1584-​1592)
Professor of Theology, Leiden (1592-1602)
Junius remains one of the most significant Reformed authors of early orthodoxy (1560-1620) in large part owing to his seminal work De vera theologia. This work left an indelible mark on Reformed prolegomena, conspicuous in most treatments of the subject into late orthodoxy (1725-).
Professor of Theology, Aberdeen (1625-1639)
Robert Baron is most well known for his Philosophia theologiae ancillans and his Metaphysica generalis. The former treats of metaphysical common places which are of some theological import (e.g., being and essence, the faculties of the rational soul, the nature of evil, etc.), as well as theological subjects which are of metaphysical interest (propogation of sin, divine triunity, the hypostatic union, etc.).
Lollius Adama (c.1544-1609)
Professor of Philosophy, Franeker (1585-1609)
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Johann Heinrich Alting (1583-1644)
Professor of Theology, Heidelberg (1613-1622)
Professor of Historical Theology, Groningen (1627-1644)
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Jacobus Alting (1618-1679)
Professor of Hebrew, Groningen (1643-1677)
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William Ames (1576-1633)
Professor of Theology, Franeker (1622-1633)
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Bartholomäus Keckermann (c.1571-1608)
Professor of Hebrew, Heidelberg (1600-1602)
Rector, Danzig (1602-1608)
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Gisbertus Voetius (1589-1676)
Professor of Theology, Utrecht (1636-1676)
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Francisco Suárez (1548-1617)
Professor of Theology, Rome (Gregorianum) (1580-1585)
Professor of Theology, Alcalá de Henares (1585-1592)
Professor of Theology, Salamanca (1592-1597)
Professor of Theology, Coimbra (1597-1616)
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